Health & Safety
Creating a Safety Conscious Environment
For both our staff and our customers
Health and Safety is perhaps the most important area of our work due to the nature of what we do and is at the forefront of operational procedures and part of normal routine practice of the staff. Clearwaters has a strong health and safety culture. This has been achieved by creating a no blame environment where staff are supported and encouraged to report all close calls and near misses along with incidents and accidents. Staff know that when incidents are reported they will be acted on by a committed management team. The overall company objective is to make a difference and continuously improve health and safety in the work place. It is Clearwaters belief that the backbone of a Health and Safety system is keeping it fresh, relevant and practical. This approach has developed a culture whereby Health and Safety is regarded as the number one consideration while at work. Hazard identification and the constant striving of management and staff to keep focused on Health and Safety will ensure that hazards identified are under constant review.
While it is acknowledged by all staff that we all have a ‘part to play’ it is part of management’s role to ensure that all company systems and procedures are followed and continue to foster and nurture a health and safety culture within Clearwaters. This applies to all persons working for Clearwaters and its contractors and subcontractors, and visitors to Clearwaters worksites. Its main focus is to keep our employees and worksites safe. It also assists Clearwaters to meet obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act, 2015.
The Health and Safety Management System comprises seven key systems:
- A system for identifying and managing hazards
- A system for recording, reporting and investigating accidents
- A system for informing employees of hazards, training and supervision
- A system for managing foreseeable emergencies
- A system for managing the health and safety of contractors
- A system for consulting with employees on health and safety issues
- A system for monitoring compliance with these procedures and the legislation